Thursday, January 31, 2008

Photoshop : Girlish Text Style

1.Make a new file in Photoshop by clicking File > New.
2.Press D to set the foreground and background colors to the default (black and white).
3.Select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill the background area with black.
4.Click Set foreground color, type "f4b4f8" in the bottom of the Color Picker screen and press Ok.
5.Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T), choose the Monotype Corsiva font, change font size to a reasonable font and type whatever you like.
6.Select the Move Tool (V) and select both layers by pressing the Shift key and clicking both layers.
7.Center the text by clicking "Align Vertical Centers" and "Align Horizontal Centers" located at the top tool bar.

8.Select the text layer and click "Add layer style" located at the bottom of the layers window and choose Stroke.
9.In the Layer Style window, click the color, type "c000c3" in the bottom of the Color Picker window and click Ok.
10.Follow the Stroke settings illustrated in the following picture:

11.Click the "Outer Glow" in the Layer Style window, click the color and enter "ea0af8" in the Color Picker window and set the "Outer Glow" settings as the following picture:

Here is final image:

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