Thursday, January 31, 2008

Photoshop : Round Glassy Buttons

Step 1
As always, start with a transparent layer. Draw a circle using the circular marquee tool. Tip: Hold the alt/option key to draw from the center and hold the shift key to draw a perfect circle.
Step 2

Now we want to create a circular gradient, from bark to light blue. Use the settings here, then drag from the middle of the circle. Don't deselect.

Step 3
Create a new layer and change the gradient setting to this: Linear, Foreground to transparent and change your forecround color to white.

Step 4
Drag the gradient tool from the top to the bottom, with the top white.
Step 5
Press Ctrl/Cmd+T for the free transform toolBring the bottom to almost 1/2 way. Bring the top and sides in a little bit until it looks similar to the picture.
Step 6
For added realism add a slight gaussian blur to the highlight and drop the opacity a little.
You may also add text. Put the text layer behind the highlight and lower the opacity.
Add the buttons to your interface - Merge Visiable and drag the buttons to your interface.
Download the PSD file.

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